Good Faith. Loyalty. Trust.
Sterling Case Management & Fiduciaries of Arizona, LLC provides professional fiduciary and case management services. Here, you’ll find services designed to meet the unique needs of the elderly or those with special needs. Our core purpose is to protect and advocate for those in need.
People just like you, turn to us for help making health care and financial decisions. It’s true, whether your need to put a plan in place or have a new concern.
Many of our services are designed as a supportive role around:
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- Coordination of health care services
- Care management
- Help with placement options.
It’s all part of our commitment to helping individuals preserve independence, dignity and autonomy.
You see, every fiduciary relationship we hold is grounded in three principles: Good faith. Loyalty. Trust.
Here’s how we’re helping people just like you, protect what matters most.
Case Management & Fiduciary Services offered.
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- Case Management and Patient Advocacy
- Consultation and Assessments
- Court Appointed Fiduciary Services
– Guardianship
– Conservatorship
– Personal Representative
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- Private Fiduciary Services
– Health Care Power of Attorney
– Financial Power of Attorney
– Trustee - Emergency Case Management
- Money Management
You’ll be glad to know, our services extend to guidance around guardianship and conservatorship. You can receive assistance with trust management and estate dissolution.
So, whether you’re looking for a personal representative or someone to act as a Medical Power of Attorney or Financial Power of Attorney, we can help. What’s more, you can even count on us to act as a Trustee for your family trust or special needs trust.
Take a look at the many types of clients we serve:
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- Care management and patient advocacy groups
- Individuals with a desire for a long term plan
- Families needing assistance
- Guardianship and emergency guardianship
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- Conservatorship
- Attorneys
- Trust companies
What Matters Most is Your Decision.
Safeguarding It Is Our Responsibility.
Life is complicated. Protecting what matters most to you doesn’t have to be. Here, you’ll discover a collaborative approach to identifying and facilitating your options. At Sterling Case Management & Fiduciaries of Arizona, you can safeguard health and financial needs.
Here, a case manager and fiduciary will explore all options; including alternatives to meet individual needs and expectations.
So, take a look around. Discover for yourself how our services can make all the difference in someone’s life. But remember to schedule your complimentary discovery session. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
Best of all, it’s a great first step to putting a solid plan in place. Together, we can help preserve independence, dignity and autonomy.
Call us today for a complimentary discovery session. It’s a great way to explore options and determine what services are a good fit for you and your family.
Director of Case Management & Private Fiduciary, Martelle Olsen is an Arizona Licensed Professional Fiduciary.